Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Online Banner Advertising - Giving Your Web Site the Best of Advertising

Banner ads are essentially the advertisements that appear on any website and are displayed among other website content to attract potential clients or customers towards your website or the product that you are offering. What Online Marketers do is that they sell the banner space to different owners of websites who want traffic to be redirected towards them. Very similar to a printed out banner, a banner is a program in computer language that is 'stuck' on the face of a website creating advertising opportunities.
Online Banner Marketing is not a recent concept and Online Marketing firms are everyday looking for banners to make their marketing campaigns better and enforceable. Banner with their creativity and design can attract a lot of traffic to your website . Some brilliant images, animations and flash can make your banner ads very effective and worthy of displaying on host web sites. Online Banner Advertising usually comes in handy as an advertising tool, so as for any advertising tools, its contents should be concise and crisp and the banner ad itself should be able to illustrate the point that they are trying to demonstrate. The caption on the banner ads should be exciting as well as well as catchy enough so that it immediately catches the user's eye and they should promptly click on your banner ad and visit your website and get an idea of what services or products you have to offer. Basically, they should promote your brand and popularise your concept.
What is important in effective Online Banner Advertising is that to make anything successful, you have to plan it carefully. The size of the banner is of absolute relevance. Banners come in many shapes and sizes. They could be either rectangular or squarish, in the centre of the screen or at the side of it. It can even be displayed at the bottom of a website. Typical sizes of banners are 468 x 60 and 728 x 90. Also on popular websites they display banners of the size of 300 x 250. You must make sure you are placing your banner on an appropriate web site. The banner placed on a particular web site should be related to what the services and products your web site is offering.

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